Saturday, July 10, 2010

ACEGES Software: video

Although this is not a good video (not sure how to convert swf to mpeg), it show the 'world oil production' and the production of 'Saudi Arabia' for certain Monte Carlo Experiments of the ACEGES.

The lines with the 'left colors' show the 'Production' and the lines with the 'right colors' shows the 'Remaining Reserves/Production'.

NOTE: the world oil production has not been modelled explicitly. This is the macro-regularity of the decisions made by the agents - the 93 countries modeled in ACEGES 1.0.

When the graphics show different combinations of colors, this signals a new simulation with different starting assumptions for key uncertain variables such as EUR, peak/decline point and oil demand.

The ACEGES Project: Presentation

This is a general presentation that I give about the ACEGES project.