The UNECE Energy Weekfeatures the 18th Session of the Committee on Sustainable Energy (18-20 November), including anEnergy Security Dialogue: Impact of the Financial Crisis on Energy Industries. The annual session of the Committee will focus on the impact of the financial crisis on the volume and timing of energy sector investments and implications for energy security with the participation of executives and planners from major energy companies. There will also be presentations of views on public responses by government officials, including in some cases green economic stimulus plans among other measures to support energy industries.
The focus on energy security will continue during the working session, beginning with a survey of the major international organizations with projects and programmes on sustainable energy and energy security. The Committee will also review the work programme of its subsidiary expert groups and projects.
The programme of the 18th Session of the Committee is available at:http://www.unece.org/energy/se/pdfs/comm18/18th_EnComm_Prog.pdf
The Committee Session will be preceded by the Forum on Clean Electricity Investment and the Financial Crisis, to be held during the fourth session of the Ad Hoc Group of Experts on Cleaner Electricity Production from Coal and other Fossil Fuels (16-17 November). The Forum will address the interaction between changing technologies, evolving policy expectations and the existing and expected regulatory framework. Participants will evaluate progress in moving towards cleaner electricity production from fossil fuels, including the impact of the financial crisis and the status of large-scale projects which require a suitable regulatory framework to attract investment.
The programme of the Forum is available at: http://www.unece.org/energy/se/docs/clep_ahge4.html