If anyone knows anyone who might be interested in PhD studentships, they are now on our web site: http://www.londonmet.ac.uk/research/the-graduate-school/vice-chancellors-phd-scholarships.cfm
An advert willappear in the Times Higher tomorrow. Details will also appear on findaphd.com and jobs.ac.uk in the near future.
Please bring to anyone's attention who might be interested, particularly the project "Energy Scenario Planning: An agent-based model of the availability of global conventional oil supply"
An advert willappear in the Times Higher tomorrow. Details will also appear on findaphd.com and jobs.ac.uk in the near future.
Please bring to anyone's attention who might be interested, particularly the project "Energy Scenario Planning: An agent-based model of the availability of global conventional oil supply"
Ref: Hallock, J.L., Tharakan, P., Hall, C.A.S., Jefferson, M., Wei, Wu., 2004. Forecasting the limits to the availability and diversity of global conventional oil supply. Energy 29, 1673–1696.
Scenario Planning - internally consistent, sufficiently relevant and detailed stories of what may occur in the future - has been used as a strategic tool to cope with, but not to disguise, the economics of uncertainty. As a qualitative framework, scenario planning provides the ideas, elements and building blocks, which can be communicated to leaders to allow them to cope more effectively with uncertainty and change. Due to the critical importance of oil to modern economic activity, and oil’s non-renewable nature, it is extremely important to try to estimate possible trajectories of future oil production while accounting for uncertainties in resource estimates and demand growth. We are inviting applications for a studentship to develop several alternate scenarios for conventional oil supply for the period 2002-2060 using the novel Agent-based Computational Economics (ACE) research methodology. ACE provides a new and fundamental standard of explanation, in which one ‘grows’ the macrophenomenon of interest (country-level oil supply), given certain sets of microfoundations (e.g. resource availability, future demand) Using country-specific microfoundations of (i) the domestic consumption of oil, (ii) the projected growth rates of oil consumption, (iii)the volume of oil originally present before any extraction (EUR), (iv) the annual production for 2001, (v) the cumulative production to date, and (vi)estimates of oil remaining to date, the project will develop bottom-up simulations of county-level ‘peak oil production’
The successful applicant will be part of the ACEGES team: http://www.londonmet.ac.uk/lmbs/research/cibs/cibs-scenario-planning/cibs-scenario-planning_home.cfm